An Unnatural Disaster Preview Image

An Unnatural Disaster


One of the world’s newest cities, Canaan emerged from the rubble of an apocalyptic earthquake and the long, slow collapse of Haiti’s government. Now, on the edge of survival, its citizens are trapped, fighting to reclaim their lives.

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Home of the Brave Preview Image

Home of the Brave


Los Angeles is the homeless veteran capital of America. But in the 1950s, around 5,000 disabled vets lived on a vast campus on some of its most valuable land. Now — after decades of malfeasance, neglect, and graft — they’re fighting their own government to take their home back.

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Long Shadow Season 3 Preview Image

Long Shadow


Through a series of riveting, complex narratives, this podcast series makes sense of what people know — and what they thought they knew — about the most pivotal moments in U.S. history, including Waco, Columbine, 9/11, January 6, and beyond.

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Lifting Ukraine Image

Lifting Ukraine


Since Russia’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine, world-record-setting powerlifter Anna Kurkurina has saved and sheltered countless injured and orphaned animals, ensuring that in her country’s fight for independence, more than just the strong will survive.

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The Catch Preview Image

The Catch


In the Mad Men era of magazine journalism, Virginia Kraft was deadly with a rifle and penned epic, deeply reported features. Among the most important sports journalists of her time, the pioneering adventure writer chiseled early cracks into publishing’s male-dominated world. So why hasn’t anyone heard of her?

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The People vs. Rubber Bullets


For more than 50 years, less-lethal munitions like rubber bullets, bean-bag rounds, pepper balls, and tear gas canisters have injured, disfigured, and killed people. Don’t look away; the victims have built a powerful case against these weapons.

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Querdenken Everything


Months before the U.S. Capitol insurrection, COVID skeptics resisting Germany’s public health measures stormed the Reichstag. The story of that day and its consequences — as told by those involved — is a true tale of misinformation, its causes and its effects.

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The Depths She’ll Reach


Only a few people — all men — have dived deeper than Alenka Artnik on just one breath. And soon, she may surpass them all. This immersive profile recounts how she emerged from obscurity and mental health struggles to become one of the world’s most elite athletes.

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